Sunday, April 17, 2011

Go Green!! Love the animals:)

 One thing that I've noticed about Florida that is very different than many other states is the love for the wildlife here. In Ohio, they're aren't many animals to admire except for cows and deer. In Florida, there are a variety of animals on land and in water that are so amazing. I am a very outdoors person and I absolutely love spending as much time in the sun as I can. Especially living on an island, I have really learned to appreciate the environment. On Sanibel, the wildlife is the talk of the island. We love our animals on Sani and there are many rules/laws to protect them.
1. The speed limit is 35mph on all of the island to make sure cars are not running over animals or hitting flying birds.
2. Houses are developed on clear land that will not hurt animal habitat. For example, when I was building my house in 2001, we had to wait 3 months because there was a tortoise home on the ground we were building so we had to wait for the officials to move its home.
3. Animals always get the right of way on the road. I couldn't even tell you how many times I have experienced stopped traffic because of turtles, birds, raccoons, and even alligators.
4. No bonfires are aloud at night time because it will distract the sea turtles hatching from their eggs.

Living on an Island, I must cross over 3 bridges to get home everyday. Looking out onto the ocean you have a great chance you will see dolphins. This is my absolutely favorite and its like the "first time" everytime you see them, even though I have seen over hundreds of dolphins in my life time. Dolphins are amazing creatures and even while I am on my boat they are present.

A few other animals that are very well known to Floridians are the Florida Panther, alligators, manatees, bears, and pelicans. All of these I have seen up close and are magnificant creatures. I love the animal life in Florida because it is everywhere.

 Of course, my favorite activity is the fishing! Night fishing and day fishing are so much fun and I have caught so many fish, even shark. Its always so much fun with my friends and family.

Amusement parks :)

Along with Florida being beautiful, it has a lot of fun amusement parks that are smack dab in the middle of the state for easy access. All of these parks are so much fun and are typically expensive to get into, but are so worth it! They are a ton of fun and I have been going to these theme parks since I was young. Disney World of course is a very popular park that many tourists visit. Disney World is so much fun and of course a blast for young children. I remember when I used to go with my sisters and we used to have the time of our lives with all the characters. Its even really cool when your older because most schools in Florida have a senior trip affiliated with Disney. My trip was called Grad Night and it was alot of fun. Grad Night is when Disney World closes the park to people and it is reserved for many high school's who bring their graduating seniors for one night. We left my hometown at 10pm and didn't return home till 4 am. It was such a fun trip especially because I got to go with all of my close friends :)

Another famous theme park in Orlando is Universal Studios which is sooooo exciting. It is definitely my favorite park because they have all the shows from nickelodeon. My favorite place that I went to last year was the Nickelodeon Suites Resort. It is one of my favorite places because its the last place I got to spend with my 8 nephew who passed away last year from terminal lung cancer. The one thing he wanted to do before he passed away was to meet spongbob because he was his favorite. Make a Wish foundation sponsored a trip for him to come to Florida from Ohio to meet Spongebob and it was one of the best experiences ever.

Another place that I have not been to yet but hope to go to soon is Harry Potter World which recently opened in Orlando this past year. Harry Potter is world wide known and personally, I am a huge fan of Harry Potter. I have read the books, watched the movies, and grown to love them! I have seen every movie at midnight when they open in theaters. Going to Harry Potter world is something that I want to do so bad because I think it looks amazing and would be so much fu. Who wouldn't want to be in wizard world for a day?

Friday, April 15, 2011

FL=great universities, FSU=greatest!

I went to a college prep highschool which prepared me very well for college. Although when I was graduating high school I really had no idea where I wanted to go. I applied and got into many schools all around Florida and it was a very hard decision to pick. Despite the hard decision, I choose FSU and it has been the greatest decision ever.

Florida State is a huge University in Florida that is very well known located in the capitol of FL, Tallahassee. It is a very prestigious school that has a ton of students applying for admission. I was accepted into Fall 2010 and I have never been more excited. 
My first year at FSU is almost over and it as been absolutely amazing. I love being in the capitol because its such a different environment then the small island I live on. The capitol has beautiful buildings that just look magnificent. At the university, I have made some of the best friends and had the time of my life. School has been amazing and I have learned so much already. Some of the best things about FSU have been the football games during the fall. 

These games were so much fun to attend in the fall. I have met so many people while attending these games and pregaming for them. Its amazing how the first year I attend FSU, we beat the gators in football. I went to this game and it was absolutely awesome! I cannot wait for next years football season:)
Another reason why I have grown to love FSU is because of the sorority I am in. I have made so many friends and felt so much love. It really is like my home away from home. Its been quite the experience that I have enjoyed every part along the way.

Sun ALL year round!

I am originally from Ohio and am so happy I live in Florida now. What would you prefer?

Cold and snowy?

Or this... :) Bright and Sunny!

One of my favorite aspects about living in the state of Florida, is the nickname itself, the Sunshine state! I love being tan and gettin my vitamin D on a daily basis. The sun makes me happy, and it definitely allows a ton of activities. One of my favorite things to do is go on the boat and just cruise the ocean. I love the wind in my face and the salt water smell. Maybe its just because I grew up around it so much, but its the one thing I miss the most being away from home. 

Being out on the beach with my friends in the sun is one of the greatest things I could ask for. It is definitely the best because there is so many activities to do. I am so grateful for my home because I have the ability to do this. I am so happy especially when its a gorgeous day out. There is nothing better than a day on the beach with no clouds in the sky. I am very blessed. <3 

Aside from the gorgeous sun always shining, the sunsets are just as beautiful. One of best things to do is to look at the sunset on the beach. They might be the most beautiful experiences I have ever witnessed. They always make me happy and warm inside. Sometimes I go out to the beach by myself just to watch the sunset because its so relaxing and calm. <3

Living on an Island

My life has been a very complicated one, and one of the reasons is based on my living situations when I was younger. I was adopted from El Salvador when I was 2 years old. My parents originally lived in Ohio, where they were both born. I have spent most of my time there, but I also had a home in Florida.
When I was younger, my parents would bring us to ohio for half the school year, and then the other half of the school year I spent in Florida. Not only did I leave in Florida but I live on one of the prettiest islands in Florida, Sanibel Island.

Sanibel has one entry and one exit bridge for the whole island. It is 6$ to cross it everytime except residents have a special plan. 

Not only does Sanibel have some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen, but has amazing restaurants and shopping as well. I have gone to school on Sanibel from kindergarten till 8th grade. Now that I am older I have nothing but appreciation for it. I have made such good friends and we are all so close because we live on a small island. I grew up riding my bike around our Island and spending time with my friends. I don't think I could ask for any better childhood. 
One of my sisters, Kortney, lives on Sanibel with her husband and son. Its so nice to be able to drive 5 minutes to visit my close family. My mom also has a store on Sanibel that she owns and is very well known. When I am on Sanibel I feel like family. Wherever I go I know somebody and is welcomed by old friends. 
One of my favorite things to do when I'm back home is to go to the beach and just have a good day with my family hanging out. We usually all go out and bring the canoe, chairs, drinks, and fishing rods and just have an amazing time. This is something I miss very much while i'm away at college. 
Here are a few pics from days I spent at the beach :)

After a perfect day at the beach, the restaurants are the perfect spot to spend your evening. Sanibel has no chain restaurants. All of the food places on Sani are all locally known except for Dairy Queen. These restaurants are very pricey but very expensive. They make most of their business during the tourist season. Some of these restaurants are so well known that people across the country know them. One of my favorites is The Bubble Room.

This restaurant is one of the most expensive on the Island but its so good. Its a very small place that has the most unique inside you will ever experience. My sister had her wedding reception here because its one of our favs that is so fun and special.