Sunday, April 17, 2011

Go Green!! Love the animals:)

 One thing that I've noticed about Florida that is very different than many other states is the love for the wildlife here. In Ohio, they're aren't many animals to admire except for cows and deer. In Florida, there are a variety of animals on land and in water that are so amazing. I am a very outdoors person and I absolutely love spending as much time in the sun as I can. Especially living on an island, I have really learned to appreciate the environment. On Sanibel, the wildlife is the talk of the island. We love our animals on Sani and there are many rules/laws to protect them.
1. The speed limit is 35mph on all of the island to make sure cars are not running over animals or hitting flying birds.
2. Houses are developed on clear land that will not hurt animal habitat. For example, when I was building my house in 2001, we had to wait 3 months because there was a tortoise home on the ground we were building so we had to wait for the officials to move its home.
3. Animals always get the right of way on the road. I couldn't even tell you how many times I have experienced stopped traffic because of turtles, birds, raccoons, and even alligators.
4. No bonfires are aloud at night time because it will distract the sea turtles hatching from their eggs.

Living on an Island, I must cross over 3 bridges to get home everyday. Looking out onto the ocean you have a great chance you will see dolphins. This is my absolutely favorite and its like the "first time" everytime you see them, even though I have seen over hundreds of dolphins in my life time. Dolphins are amazing creatures and even while I am on my boat they are present.

A few other animals that are very well known to Floridians are the Florida Panther, alligators, manatees, bears, and pelicans. All of these I have seen up close and are magnificant creatures. I love the animal life in Florida because it is everywhere.

 Of course, my favorite activity is the fishing! Night fishing and day fishing are so much fun and I have caught so many fish, even shark. Its always so much fun with my friends and family.

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