Sunday, April 17, 2011

Amusement parks :)

Along with Florida being beautiful, it has a lot of fun amusement parks that are smack dab in the middle of the state for easy access. All of these parks are so much fun and are typically expensive to get into, but are so worth it! They are a ton of fun and I have been going to these theme parks since I was young. Disney World of course is a very popular park that many tourists visit. Disney World is so much fun and of course a blast for young children. I remember when I used to go with my sisters and we used to have the time of our lives with all the characters. Its even really cool when your older because most schools in Florida have a senior trip affiliated with Disney. My trip was called Grad Night and it was alot of fun. Grad Night is when Disney World closes the park to people and it is reserved for many high school's who bring their graduating seniors for one night. We left my hometown at 10pm and didn't return home till 4 am. It was such a fun trip especially because I got to go with all of my close friends :)

Another famous theme park in Orlando is Universal Studios which is sooooo exciting. It is definitely my favorite park because they have all the shows from nickelodeon. My favorite place that I went to last year was the Nickelodeon Suites Resort. It is one of my favorite places because its the last place I got to spend with my 8 nephew who passed away last year from terminal lung cancer. The one thing he wanted to do before he passed away was to meet spongbob because he was his favorite. Make a Wish foundation sponsored a trip for him to come to Florida from Ohio to meet Spongebob and it was one of the best experiences ever.

Another place that I have not been to yet but hope to go to soon is Harry Potter World which recently opened in Orlando this past year. Harry Potter is world wide known and personally, I am a huge fan of Harry Potter. I have read the books, watched the movies, and grown to love them! I have seen every movie at midnight when they open in theaters. Going to Harry Potter world is something that I want to do so bad because I think it looks amazing and would be so much fu. Who wouldn't want to be in wizard world for a day?

Another themepark that is only 2 hours from my home is Busch Gardens. This park is so much fun and has an animal theme to it. Also, during Halloween time they have Halloscream weekend where the whole park turns into scary themed homes. Its my favorite time to go there! I go there with a bunch of friends every year and we have an amazing time.

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