Friday, April 15, 2011

FL=great universities, FSU=greatest!

I went to a college prep highschool which prepared me very well for college. Although when I was graduating high school I really had no idea where I wanted to go. I applied and got into many schools all around Florida and it was a very hard decision to pick. Despite the hard decision, I choose FSU and it has been the greatest decision ever.

Florida State is a huge University in Florida that is very well known located in the capitol of FL, Tallahassee. It is a very prestigious school that has a ton of students applying for admission. I was accepted into Fall 2010 and I have never been more excited. 
My first year at FSU is almost over and it as been absolutely amazing. I love being in the capitol because its such a different environment then the small island I live on. The capitol has beautiful buildings that just look magnificent. At the university, I have made some of the best friends and had the time of my life. School has been amazing and I have learned so much already. Some of the best things about FSU have been the football games during the fall. 

These games were so much fun to attend in the fall. I have met so many people while attending these games and pregaming for them. Its amazing how the first year I attend FSU, we beat the gators in football. I went to this game and it was absolutely awesome! I cannot wait for next years football season:)
Another reason why I have grown to love FSU is because of the sorority I am in. I have made so many friends and felt so much love. It really is like my home away from home. Its been quite the experience that I have enjoyed every part along the way.

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